OpenTable 精選全台七夕情人節餐廳,感情加溫就在此時此刻。
by OpenTable 台灣
Updated 16 August 2023
About the restaurant
Coming Soon!4.9
NT$2000 and over
Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service
Cianjhen District
About the restaurant
### Invitation to Support Sustainable Environmental Initiatives at Kaohsiung Intercontinental HotelKaohsiung Intercontinental Hotel invites you to join us in supporting sustainable environmental actions.
* In commitment to environmental sustainability, our hotel restaurants will continue to reduce the use of disposable utensils. Starting from June 21, guests dining at WA-RA Japanese Restaurant who wish to take their meals to go will need to use eco-friendly containers, which will incur an additional charge of NT$30 per container.
* If you choose to take out meals without using our eco-friendly containers, a service fee of 10% will apply (the eco-friendly container fee will be waived).
We thank you for your contributions to protecting the Earth and for supporting our sustainable environmental initiatives. Together, we can save energy and create a beautiful new world.
### WA-RA Japanese Restaurant Operating Hours and Menu Information
**Tuesday to Friday:**
- Dinner: 18:00 - 01:00 (Last order at 00:00)
- Bar: 18:00 - 01:30
**Saturday and Sunday:** Open from 17:00
(Bar snacks available starting at 22:00, last order at 01:00, minimum spend of one drink per person)
*Closed on Mondays.*
* All prices are subject to an additional 10% service charge.
* Dinner is offered as an à la carte menu only.
* Corkage fee for bringing your own drinks: NT$500 per bottle for wine; NT$1,000 per bottle for spirits and sake.
* Reservations for the following month open on the 20th of each month.
WA-RA Japanese Restaurant operates on a reservation-only basis and accepts only online and phone reservations. For parties of 6 or more, please call the restaurant directly at 07-3390303. Our staff will assist you after 14:30.
* If you need to change your reservation date, time, or number of guests, please inform us by phone.
* We apologize if your call is not answered due to high call volume.
About the restaurant
Coming Soon!5.0
NT$2000 and over
Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service
Sanmin District
About the restaurant
| 訂位規則 |• 線上訂位:僅開放15天內之預訂;支援線上刷卡支付訂金。
• 電話訂位:每月1號開放次月之預訂;僅接受匯款方式支付訂金。
| 菜單內容 |
• 夏季菜單 2024.06.28 推出。
• 午餐餐價 $2280+10% 起;晚餐餐價 $2680+10% 起。
• 加價品項數量有限,請提前至少三天預訂,現場加點需視當日狀況供應。
• 為呈現菜單概念的完整性,菜單內容無法更正與調整、無提供餐點外帶服務,謝謝您的體諒。
| 餐廳規範 |
• 低消:每人一份套餐,需另加一成服務費。
• 水資:每人$100,需另加一成服務費。
• 開席時間:12:00、12:30 / 18:00、18:30、18:45。
• 僅 12人座包廂接受 6歲以下兒童, 開放式區域接受 6歲以上兒童。
• 餐廳禁帶外食、禁帶寵物 (導盲犬除外)。
• 訂位皆保留十分鐘,超時即不做訂位保留。
• 為使賓客享有舒適宜人的用餐體驗,我們將保留安排座席的權利。
• 用餐座位席次有限,恕無法提供臨時加位及指定座位服務。如有需調整用餐人數,請務必提前告知。
• 為維護每位顧客的用餐體驗,請避免大聲喧嘩及禁用閃光燈或任何照明器具。
• 如有寄酒/寄物等需求,請務必事先與S∙S∙A∙W聯繫及確認,若無聯繫或未通知者,餐廳保有拒絕的權利。
• 因不可抗拒之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利。
• 凡遇特殊節假日、農曆新年、西洋情人節、七夕情人節、聖誕節、跨年夜等皆為特殊節慶日,將依照餐廳指定節慶日菜單為主。
• 網路訂位後將由訂席專員致電確認訂位細項,若多次聯繫不到訂位者,餐廳將有取消預約的權利。
| 訂金規範 |
• 若於用餐 24小時內取消訂位或變更用餐日期,將收取全額訂金作為取消費用。
• 若於用餐前 24-48小時內取消訂位或變更用餐日期,將保留訂金三個月,可於下次預訂使用。
• 若於用餐前 48-72小時內取消訂位或變更用餐日期,可退回50%訂金或保留訂金三個月,於下次預訂使用。
• 若於用餐前 72小時取消訂位或變更用餐日期,將可退訂金全額。
《包廂》需先支付包廂費用 50% 訂金。
• 於用餐前一週(含)取消,訂金可延後保留半年。
• 於用餐日的「前一週內」取消,恕不退還已支付的包廂訂金。
| 服裝規定 |
• 請穿著半正式整齊服裝,並避免拖鞋。
| 其他服務費 |
• 開瓶費:自帶酒水需酌收開瓶費每瓶 $500。酒水容量以 750ml(含)計算,若容量超過則視為兩瓶。
• 清潔費:如因飲酒過量,嘔吐導致餐廳物品、環境污損,將酌收 $5,000元清潔費用。
• 破損費:如因飲酒過量,嘔吐導致餐廳物品、器皿破損,將酌收酒水杯 $500/杯;酒杯 $800/杯
About the restaurant
**「隱」私廚鐵板燒 ?? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ????ℎ??****預約制 / 尊榮24席 / 精緻饗宴**
• 每人最低消費為平日午餐$1,480+10% / 平日晚餐及假日 $1,980+10%
| 兒童收費標準|
**因受到加拿大禽流感影響 9/1起鴨肝將停售,敬請見諒**
『生日當週』招待壽星精緻小蛋糕 (需備註欄提前告知,並出示證明文件)。
訂位時需預付1人/$500元(訂金) x訂位人數,方可保留座位
戶 名:隱私廚鐵板料理餐館有限公司
銀 行:合作金庫006
帳 號:5285717526671
通知已匯款,並提供下列訊息以便核對資料a.帳號後五碼 b.匯款金額 c.訂位姓名
• 變更用餐日期:可於訂位簡訊提供的網址自行修改或LINE告知,由專人為您安排。
• 三日前取消:**需line告知**,訂金可保留抵用下次用餐,保留權利三個月。
• 三日內取消:若用餐三日內取消訂位,訂金費用將作為刷卡手續費及預定食材耗損,訂金將不予保留。
*• 因座位有限,座位皆由現場服務人員安排,將不開放給顧客指定區域。*
*• 【餐廳無電梯】,若有年長者及行動不便者前來用餐請事先告知(座位區將安排於一樓)。*
*• 餐廳保留最終安排座位之權利,如有不便敬請見諒。*
About the restaurant
● Omakase Course
Lunch:3680 TWD/人
Dinner:4280 TWD/人
● 150 TWD/杯
●如有額外消費可接受 現金 或 實體信用卡(例:VISA、Mastercard 、JCB、銀聯卡),無提供各類電子支付與美國運通卡付款,造成不便敬請見諒。
● 午餐:12:00~14:00(最後入座時間12:10)
● 晚餐:18:00~21:00(最後入座時間18:10)
( 當月實際店休日以官方粉絲頁公告為主;inline 訂位系統無法訂位日即為店休日)
● 線上訂位系統僅開放次月預訂,並於預訂後酌收餐費全額作為訂金(包含10%服務費,午餐 4048 TWD、晚餐 4708 TWD)需於三日內完成匯款否將自動取消訂位(到期限日的22點),如完成匯款請回傳匯款資訊以便查收
● 餐廳僅接受官方網路訂位系統預訂,恕不接受Instagram 、Facebook 或電話訂位
● 顧客入座後將統一出餐
● 為顧及整體餐廳用餐環境及孩童安全性,恕不招待12歲以下孩童(包場情況可協調),同行若有12歲以上孩童,亦需計算在訂位人數之中,且需點用同一套套餐
● 包場低消費用午餐36800 TWD(10位)晚餐 42800 TWD(10位)(另加10%服務費),不包含酒水費用
● 請勿將預訂轉移給其他人,訂位者需到場(包場訂位者)
● 包場如需客製化菜單請提前一星期電話聯繫服務團隊(可接聽電話時間為11:00~11:50)
● 如需更改或取消預訂,可透過線上訂位系統取消或來電與服務團隊聯繫(可接聽電話時間為11:00~11:50)匯款手續費需自行承擔,於該訂位3個工作日內取消或變更將不退還訂金(包場需於該訂位一週前)
● 臨時取消、逾時(最晚入座時間12:10、18:10)怒不退還訂金,當天臨時變更用餐人數者將收取全額餐費
● 若有對任何食材過敏、特殊忌口等需求請於訂位時填寫於備註欄。同時感謝您的諒解與配合,我們不提供以下類似餐點:
● 為保持握壽司在入口時為最佳狀態,一上桌建議盡快享用,敬請見諒
● 基於食品衛生安全考量,恕無法提供外帶服務
● 禁止攜帶外食/外帶飲料
● 因餐廳座位有限,固無法指定座位
● 除導盲犬以外,禁止攜帶寵物
● 因不可抗素之因素或意外,餐廳將保留取消或更改預約的權利
● 如有自帶酒水,請於訂位時填寫於備註欄或提前聯繫服務團隊告知總類及瓶數
About the restaurant
經典日料創藝呈現。嚴選當令新鮮食材,創新日式食藝玩味。汲取~日本專注細節。講究~當旬新鮮食材。添加~職人手藝創意。以靈感、巧思加持,激盪東京時尚料理新風貌。About the restaurant
NT$999 and under
Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service
Cianjhen District
About the restaurant
The Kaohsiung Intercontinental Hotel invites you to support sustainable and eco-friendly practicesThe Kaohsiung Intercontinental Hotel is committed to environmental sustainability. Our hotel restaurants will continue to reduce the use of disposable utensils. At the WA-RA Japanese Restaurant, if you require a takeaway meal, an additional NT$30 will be charged for each eco-friendly container.
If you opt for takeaway from the restaurant yourself, a 10% service charge will apply (eco-friendly container fee is waived).
The Kaohsiung Intercontinental Hotel thanks you for your contributions to protecting the Earth. Together, let’s support sustainable and eco-friendly practices and conserve energy to create a beautiful new world.
※ For reservations, please call the restaurant at 07-3390303. Service is available from Tuesday to Sunday after 14:30. ※
WA-RA Kappo Set Menu
Business Hours│Dinner from Thursday to Saturday
Seating Time│18:30 for seating, 19:00 for a prompt start
Price per Person│NT$3,800 + 10% service charge
A deposit of NT$1,000 per person is required for reservations.
For reservations of 4 or more people and special requests for children's meals, please inquire by phone.
※ Seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis; no on-site waiting is available.
※ Due to the need for advance preparation of ingredients, same-day reservations cannot be accommodated.
About the restaurant
NT$999 and under
Bar / Lounge / Bottle Service
Cianjhen District
About the restaurant
Limited Time ➤2024/9/16 - 2024/11/15Price for Two➤ NT$1,680+10%
*Reservation +886 7 339 0303 #4
Business Hours: 10:00-24:00
Afternoon Tea: 14:00-17:00 (14:00-15:30 & 15:30-17:00)
Last order food: 23:00
Last order beverage: 23:30
*Subject to 10% service charge
*Corkage fee: Wine $500; Liquor and Sake $1,000
*For parties above 4, please contact 07-3390303 #1 for a reservation
About the restaurant
?{ *20 *21 *22 *23米其林入選餐廳 }?秉持「元YUAN」一貫的精神,以時尚台灣料理,帶給您生活的驚喜,用愛做料理,蹦出新滋味。
⚜️本店每個座位低消為 一人一份套餐2580+10%起。
[晚餐] 星期 二 - 六 18:30〜22:30
[午餐] 星期六12:00
[店休] 日 一
▪預訂時,輸入信用卡資訊,預取授權(壓卡號)NTD 1000/人 ,⚠️「壓卡號不會扣任何款項 除非無故不來」⚠️!
▪️用餐日期 3天 以前取消,將不扣款。
▪️⚠️用餐日期 2天 以內取消,將扣款押金。
▪️如有問題請加 元官方line:@795xwupz 與我們聯繫。
⚠️過敏食材請提前告知,如:奶蛋類、甲殼類、堅果類(吃了會造成生命危險 需立即送醫者)不接受單純挑食?
▪️ 套餐內容有可能因為季節或進貨狀況改變,YUAN元餐廳保有更改菜單內容的權利。
▪️ 現場提供Apple pay、Master、Visa刷卡服務。
❤️當您按下送出訂位時,餐廳已接收訊息併用心的為您準備餐點,希望您別無故「no show 不到」認真的餐廳,別讓充滿熱情的餐飲人員,備感挫折!?
About the restaurant
經典日料創藝呈現。嚴選當令新鮮食材,創新日式食藝玩味。汲取~日本專注細節。講究~當旬新鮮食材。添加~職人手藝創意。以靈感、巧思加持,激盪東京時尚料理新風貌。About the restaurant
我們有開放攜帶寵物唷,因目前空間上以不影響其他客人&不上椅 還請您見諒唷
? 周邊停車場資訊
⟡ Times 台中自治街停車場
⟡ 自立停車場
⟡ 柳川地下停車場
░ 午間
░ 晚間
Ꞌ最後訂位/最後點餐時間平日18:30 假日19:00
✏️本店二樓空間無電梯,如行動不便,長輩等 請於訂位中註明
✏️如需代收蛋糕花束等 請於訂位中註明,營業時間內可代收
✏️如有嘔吐髒亂將酌收清潔費2000NT 器具毀損需照價賠償
提供現金,國內發行信用卡及銀聯卡及APPLY PAY
About the restaurant
Coming Soon!About the restaurant
【 訂位注意事項 】1.目前僅開放1個月內之2至4位貴賓訂位超過5人數者,請撥打餐廳電話04-23827779洽詢。
.例如:1/10 11:30訂位,若於 1/6 23:59以前取消,訂
金將全額退還若於1/7 00:00以後取消,訂金將不退
About the restaurant
◎114/01/31(除夕夜) 晚餐將分成2個梯次:
當日菜單為除夕圍爐宴,並統一時 間上菜,敬請貴賓們務必提早出門避免遲到。
12/24-12/25 聖誕節
12/31-1/1 跨年夜及元旦
1/28-1/31 除夕及新春
如有任何疑問,可於11:30~14:30或17:30~21:00之間撥打專線 04-23288000轉 鐵板燒,將有專人為您服務,謝謝。
About the restaurant
Coming Soon!About the restaurant
Coming Soon!About the restaurant
Coming Soon!About the restaurant
☛ 營業時間餐廳及酒吧每週一、二店休。
週三至週六 18:00-02:00
週日 18:00-01:00
Bar Food 供應時間:21:00-00:30
― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ― ◦ ―
☛ 消費方式
午、晚用餐時段僅提供套餐,菜色依季節做調整,實際價位依現場提供為主,每人低消皆為「套餐價位+ 10%服務費」。
☛ 訂位說明
特殊餐點 (兒童餐NT$1200/素食餐點NT$2380) 之訂位將酌收部分餐點製作費,若有訂位異動敬請提前三日 (72小時) 告知,如未於三日內 (72小時前) 取消訂位,恕無法退還訂金,將全額收取每位NT$1000的取消費用。
Inline 訂位系統僅提供一般訂位 (1-6位),若有6位以上包廂/包場需求只接受透過電話將由客服專人協助您訂位,以上均收每位新台幣$1000之訂金。
未出席/逾時完成訂金付款/遲到10分鐘以上將視同取消訂位,若於用餐三日前 (72小時) 取消,則收取NT$200之手續費用,造成您的不便深感抱歉。
☛ 自備酒水注意事項
☛ 自帶蛋糕及慶祝生日
餐廳另有販售生日蛋糕,請來電詢問 04-23107989
☛ 溫馨小提醒
訂位僅保留10分鐘,若您未能準時抵達,請儘快透過電話 (04-23107989) 告知。如需要更改人數,請於12:00-14:00、18:00-21:00電洽 (04-23107989) 提前詢問。
???????? ???????? 感謝您的支持,訂位送出後視同理解且同意以上事項,本餐廳保有修改/取消訂位之權利。
Top review
OpenTable Diner
Dined on 6 May 2023
About the restaurant
[![Alt Text]( "立即外帶")]( "Link Title (optional)")About the restaurant
午間11:30~14:30(Last Order 13:30)
晚間17:30~21:30(Last Order 20:00)
About the restaurant
Coming Soon!About the restaurant
? Mang Pig Reservation InstructionsReservations are welcome to use inline reservations or call during business hours (02)2701-5833
Seats will be arranged according to on-site personnel transfer
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
#More than 8 people will get a free white wine for reservations
||Last order time||
Business hours: 18:00~02:00
Meal last order time: 00:00
Bartending last order time: 01:00 (excluding pure drink and shot)
2 hours
||Reservation Notes||
The reservation reservation time is 10 minutes. If you need to adjust the time or the number of people, please inform us in advance.
If the reservation is overdue/cannot be contacted, it will be regarded as a cancellation of the reservation.
|| Dining Instructions||
Minimum consumption per person is NT$ 500 + 10% service charge.
Outside food/drinks are not allowed. (except birthday cake)
*If you have any allergies or foods that you should not eat, please let us know in advance.
*If there is a birthday, you can also inform in advance or assist in the arrangement
||Bring your own wine corkage fee||
Red and white wine, sparkling wine NT 500/bottle
Other spirits NT 1,000/bottle
One wine glass is provided free of charge per person, and NT 100 will be charged for each wine glass if needed.
|| Cleaning Fee ||
Damages are subject to a fee: NT 500 for the cup.
Vomiting fee: NT 2,000 for sofa area.
Vomiting fee: NT 1,000 in other areas.
※※The above are the instructions for dining and reservations※※
If you have any questions, please call (02) 2701-5833.
In case of missed calls or busy lines, please wait later, or contact IG on FB, we will serve you as soon as possible, please forgive me, thank you.
About the restaurant
About the restaurant
**Söt Cafe 浮島**以悠閒自在的生活態度打造 Söt Café 的品牌精神。
浮島 - 我們創造品味藝術融合的木質圍建空間與氛圍結構,提供獨有特色的歐陸料理餐食與咖啡甜點。
Söt = Sweet in swedish
我們將最爲人接受的中段甜味精神放大融入北歐品味生活的態度打造 Söt Café 的品牌精神。
**Casual Dining 餐廳**
10:00-20:30 (19:30最後出餐) | 週一公休
Top review
OpenTable Diner
Dined on 7 Nov 2023
About the restaurant
Business Time:Monday to Thursday opening 18:00-22:00
Friday to Saturday opening 12:00-15:00; 18:00-22:00
Closed all day on Sunday
Last order for lunch is before 14:30, for dinner is before 21:30
There is a minimum charge, one dish per person.
Reservations will be reserved for ten minutes. If you are late and need to keep reservation, please call us.
If you don’t show up after making a reservation for two times, you will be disqualified to make any reservation in the future.
If you want to order takeout, please call an hour earlier. We will also introduce you the daily specials.
It is not allowed to bring the food and drink from outside.
If is cake for birthday can bring, we can provide refrigeration serve, if we have enough space, and no have frozen serve.
Bring the wine we’ll charge NT150 / one glass fee
If need decanter is NT250 / each
Can’t deductible glass fee charged, order wine from restaurant.
If have special diet needs, remark in the making reservation, restaurant service staff will take care of your needs.
We are a pet friendly restaurant, out patio is perfect for it, and they are also welcome dine in as long as they are in stroller.
About the restaurant
座落於南西商圈巷弄的義式餐酒館,捷運中山站步行1分鐘,交通便利。餐點風格囊括義、法、西、歐式料理。提供義大利麵、燉飯、排餐、甜點、精釀啤酒、紅白酒等美味料理。2018年12月,經營者帶領長期在此店址服務打拼的老員工們,共同打造全新品牌「First One Bistro」。不失經典風味,但環境、品質、服務、菜色全面升級。「西班牙香蒜油蝦」、「黃金烏魚子鮮蝦義大利麵」、「羅馬脆皮豬肉捲」及人氣甜點「瑞可塔起司捲 Cannoli」等招牌料理深受顧客好評喜愛。目前佛斯特旺餐酒館僅此一間,無其他分店。我們團隊一直在這從沒離開過,也要謝謝一路支持的好朋友們,每每看見您們用餐後滿意的笑容,以及給予我們的評價及寶貴意見,都是支持著我們持續前進的動力,珍惜且期待每一次為您們服務的機會。誠摯歡迎您的蒞臨,也感謝舊雨新知持續支持。所有來到本店的每一位朋友都是我們的 First One。
■ 用餐時間 90 分鐘
■ 最低基本消費每位 180 元
■ 酌收 10% 服務費
■ 可使用信用卡/Line Pay/街口支付
■ 自備酒水,酌收開瓶費 500 元
平日:商業午餐12:00~15:30 (最後點餐14:30)
平日晚餐17:30~21:30 (最後點餐20:30)
假日:假日午餐11:30~15:30 (最後點餐14:30)
假日晚餐17:00~21:30 (最後點餐20:30)
9/17(五)中秋佳節 店休一天
10/10(四)雙十節 店休一天
About the restaurant
About the restaurant
Notes* Change the Language Please press the upper right sphere of language options*
If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email
Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area
Please to make us a call +886-2-81018268 or send us an
we will arrange for you
※入席時間均不多做保留須要準時入席,敬請知悉;若未於時間内到達,將優先請現場. 等候的顧客入座。
We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time
Top review
OpenTable Diner
Dined on 7 Jul 2024
About the restaurant
Notes* Change the Language Please press the upper right sphere of language options*
If the day can not be booked,please contact us by phone or email
Please understand that the reservation system cannot specify seating area
Reservations for over 4 people for dinner,or over 10 people for lunch,Will need prepay deposit
Please to make us a call +886-2-81010016 or send us an
we will arrange for you
※入席時間均不多做保留須要準時入席,敬請知悉;若未於時間内到達,將優先請現場. 等候的顧客入座。
We would like to remind you that there is no retention time of our seats and please do not forget to be on time
About the restaurant
◼︎開瓶費紅白酒NT.800/每瓶、烈酒NT.2200/每瓶 (皆以700ml計算)
Top review
OpenTable Diner
Dined on 6 Dec 2022
About the restaurant
營業時間:週一 ~ 週五 17:00-24:00
週六、週日&國定假日 13:00-24:00
最後點餐時間 22:00 ( 飲品23:00 )
最低消費為一人 / 500元
最低消費為一人 / 250元
最低消費為一人 / 500元
訂位服務專線: 02-2563-7000
?由於本店依附在台北市定古蹟 若您所訂位的時間 與市府活動有所抵觸 將以市府活動優先
並通知取消訂位 如有造成困擾 敬請見諒
About the restaurant
您好,歡迎來自澳洲的Little Creatures小天使精釀啤酒餐廳!我們期待與您分享美味食物與精釀啤酒的搭配,請參考以下訂位資訊,感謝您的時間/防疫公告/
• 防疫期間將會量測體溫並提供酒精做手部消毒,如有發燒、咳嗽、不適症狀者,我們將不予以接待,煩請諒解。因應疫情Little Creatures將依政府公告為依據因應,並且保留變更訂位之權利。
• 週一 – 週日: 12:00 – 23:00
• 午餐:12:00-14:30
• Happy Hour:15:00-17:00
• 晚餐:18:00-21:30
• 地址:台北市光復南路一段107巷5弄7號(近忠孝復興站4號出口)
• 電話:02-2711-5338
• 提供線上訂位 & 電話訂位服務
• 開放兩週內的訂位
• 訂位保留10分鐘,逾時我們將視訂位為臨時取消,若您未能準時抵達,煩請儘快透過電話告知。
• 網路上接受1~6位的訂位,若訂位時無法選擇所需訂位人數,請來電洽詢。
• IG & FB恕不提供訂位服務
• 特殊檔期將酌收訂金$500/位(當日折抵餐費),用餐當日一併開立發票
• 若訂金逾期,訂位將自動取消
• 若電話號碼錯誤、空號、或聯絡不上您,訂位將取消。
• 每人低消為:$350 + 10%服務費。
• 如在48小時內取消訂位或No Show,以後訂位將酌收訂金$500/人,訂金付款期限為2天,若為當週用餐,訂金期限為1天
• 香檳、氣泡酒、葡萄酒、釀造酒 (750ml以內)- $500/瓶
• 蒸餾酒 (750ml以內) - $1000/瓶
Top review
Dined on 8 Feb 2024
About the restaurant
11:30-15:30 (Last Order 15:00)
17:30-21:30 (Last Order 21:00)
11:30-15:30 (Last Order 15:00)
17:00-21:30 (Last Order 21:00)
2015年10月 WOW BISTRO 品牌在台北捷運中山站誕生了
2021年09月 WOWffizi cafe&bistro 姊妹店在台北捷運中山站1號出口駐點
■ 用餐時間 2 小時
■ 最低基本消費每位 200 元
■ 自備酒水,酌收開瓶費 500 元
■ 酌收 10% 服務費
■ 可使用信用卡
■ 提供包場服務
■ 提供訂位服務
■ 提供無線網路
Top review
OpenTable Dinervip
Dined on 23 Jul 2024
About the restaurant
Coming Soon!About the restaurant
1 營業時間?晚餐:週一~週六(前一天需預約)
五位以上訂位不能使用inline預約方式請來電預約。五位以上且需要先匯款訂金 500元/位。
2 菜單(每季節換新菜單)
晚餐套餐:NT2480起/位 〜
兒童用餐: NT880/位
A) 請理解.民國110年開始和韵WAING餐廳改成販賣套餐料理. 以前販賣的單點料理現在皆無提供
B) 套餐料理無提供; 全素/蛋奶素/無乳糖/ 無麩質/無海鮮料理
C) 如對任何食材過敏和宗教性食材,請備註告知。 (請三天前告知以外無提供特別料理.恕不接受現場更換)
3 販賣飲料
A) ?餐酒搭配 3 杯餐酒set/NT1280起 (白葡萄酒100ml*2種,紅葡萄酒100ml*1種) B) 其他紅白葡萄酒有賣單杯,也有賣整瓶
C) 無酒精飲料; 日本青森蘋果汁/ 可楽/ 紐西蘭Antipodes礦泉水 / 紐西蘭Antipodes礦泉水
D) 威士忌; 法國Michel Couvreur系列
4 開瓶費
5 低消
6 慶祝活動
7 交通資訊
天祥路右轉 第三個巷口左轉 永靜公園旁邊
(24H營業) 需步行5分鐘
Top review
OpenTable Dinervip
Dined on 29 Dec 2023
About the restaurant
- 週日公休
- 週一至週四12:00-14:00、17:00- 22:00
- 週五、週六 12:00-14:00、17:00- 23:30
- 訂位保留10分鐘
- 用餐時間為120分鐘
- 平日每人低消$500/人
- 假日(週五-週六及特殊假日) 每人低消$800/人
- 情人節、母親節、聖誕節等特殊節日低消為$1000/人或一份特殊節日套餐, 另需提前$1000/ 位 訂金以保留訂位
- 收取10%服務費
- 為避免影響現場候位客人, 如需更改訂位人數, 請在一天前通知,現場更改人數會以訂位人數低消計算。例:平日訂位3人, 臨時更改為2人, 低消會以$1500計算。
- 包廂低消另計, 欲訂包廂請來電詢問02 2706 1687。
- 同桌最大訂位用餐人數為四位, 超過四位者因低消有所不同, 欲訂位請來電詢問。
- 自行攜帶紅、白酒, 每瓶酌收$500開瓶費。
- 烈酒每瓶酌收$1000開瓶費。
- 凡訂位顧客, 我們將於預定用餐前一天以電話聯繫確認訂位, 如聯繫不到訂位者, 將以簡訊發出取消訂位通知, 如需保留訂位可以電話回覆, 我們將依實際訂位狀況保留, 如造成不便, 敬請見諒。
- 四人以上訂位顧客, 需支付低消30%訂位金作為保留, 詳情請來電諮詢, 我們將有專人為您服務。
- 未出席 / 簡訊逾時回覆 / 用餐當日遲到 10 分以上將視同取消訂位。
- 取消訂位 / 更動訂位人數須在用餐前5天內完成。
- 用餐前2-4天內變更或取消可退訂金50%, 用餐前1天或當天取消, 恕無法退還訂金。
- 因本店桌位數不多, 如臨時取消會對本店和有意前來用餐的客人有所影響, 望您體諒。
- 若您有飲食限制, 請於訂位時提前告知, 主廚將在不影響餐點風味與品質前提下, 以當日可取得之食材, 協助您的需求。
- 料理食材多為海鮮與肉類, 故無法提供全素餐點及兒童餐點。
- 由於桌次空間限制, 本餐廳不提供兒童座椅, 如有兒童推車, 我們會協助放置餐廳外的陽台空間。
- 本餐廳為寵物友善空間, 但顧及所有顧客的用餐品質, 寵物入店需牽繩或是提籠。
▪ 本店皆每日消毒清潔
▪ 員工確保健康狀態,確實洗手消毒
▪ 固定時段加強清潔&消毒環境
About the restaurant
Thank you for choosing to dine at NKU.Please take a few minutes to learn about our dining rules to ensure you have a good dining experience, thank you.
Our reservation system provides reservations within 30 days. During the epidemic, box and private room services are temporarily unavailable. If you have special needs, please call us 02-27018025.
**Dining time**
Meal time is 2hours
Noon time: 12:00~14:00
Dinner time: 18:00~22:00
Reservation reserved for 10 minutes.
Lunch set menu 1680+10%
Dinner set menu 3280+10%
**Cancellation/No show**
If you cancel within 3 days(including the day) before the show up without a reason, you will be charged NT 1700 per person.
If you want to change the people of your booking.Please tell us in advance,otherwise we will charged NT 1700 per person.
Children under the age of 12 have an potion to choose a la carte spaghetti, NT750.
**Minimum Charge**
Minimum charge is one set meal per person.
The need for dietary adjustments must be known to us at the time of booking, or 72 hours in advance, otherwise we can only make adjustments based on our existing ingredients.
**Corkage fee**
The corkage fee for wine/sake/c (700ml) is NT600, and the for Champagne will be NT1000 per bottle. The cost of opening a bottle of spirits is NT1000.
- No outside fodd or beverages are allowed.
- No pets.
- Since the dining mode is a set meal, the meal will only be served before all the guests arrive at the same table.
- If we need to clean up the mess caused by drunk guests, a cleaning fee of NT4000 will be charged.
- We don't accept change seat request.
Thank you for taking the time to read the principles and rules of our restaurant. We look forward to visiting nku.
Top review
Dined on 21 Sept 2023
About the restaurant
您好,歡迎來到LAST ORDER 餐酒館,以下是我們的訂位規則,為了協助您更享受在LAST ORDER 餐酒館聚會的時光,請您細心閱讀:***【Last Order餐酒館】形象影片連結***
1. 訂位保留時間為【10分鐘】,逾時視同取消,需現場重新候位;
2. 用餐時間為120分鐘;
3. 店內低消為每人五百元整。
二樓VIP 包廂低消為:
4. 若有孕婦、七歲以下孩童、長者,請於備註事先告知。
5. 線上開放訂位人數為1-6人,6人以上訂位需預收訂金(1000元),請致電 02-2382-2789,或是粉絲專頁私訊
About the restaurant
Ladies and Gentlemen,When making a reservation, please provide:
1. The SAME NAME as your membership card.
2. Your PHONE NUMBER (You will receive an SMS confirmation after your reservation is completed).
*Please note if the reservation name and phone number do not match our database, the reservation will not be accepted.
To change the number of people in your reservation, please first cancel the booking and make another one. For any last minute changes to your party (each member is limited to no more than 5 guests) please try to re-book or call us.
If no prior notice is given regarding changes to the number of people in your party, and we are unable to find suitable seating arrangements, you will be denied entry.
If the time or amount of people you want to select is unavailable, it is because we are already fully booked, please select another time period.
All members must present their membership cards to gain access to the club. If you do not present your card when asked, we have the right to refuse entry as we cannot confirm you are a member.
Members are permitted to bring up to five friends with them, if you exceed that amount, your friends will be denied entry. A member's friends cannot enter the club unless the member is present. Do not lend your card to others, any card being used by another person other than the actual member will result in the cancellation of the person's membership. If your card is lost or stolen, please notify us immediately.
The above rules are set to protect the rights and privacy of all our members.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
“First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald
About the restaurant
「L'IDIOT」在法文是「 Idiot 笨蛋」的意思,驢子餐廳期望來到這裡的每一位賓客都能在饒富故事的氛圍中,放下一切煩惱,無拘無束的用餐,自由自在的大笑如同一隻天真幸福的笨驢子。1.餐廳低消每位 $800+10%
2.自備酒水需酌收開瓶費 $600/瓶
About the restaurant
Coming Soon!Top review
Dined on 23 Nov 2023
About the restaurant
EMBERS' cuisine is rooted in the essence of plants, which aimed to amplify the imagination of taste buds. We start with the flavors of all plants.
The love for richness and mellowness of meats, as well as the umami and savory flavors from the sea.
The menu resonates with ingredients to demonstrate delicacy, and explores the surprises and depths of Taiwan.
∞ TASTING MENU (Protein included) $4,500up TWD /person.
▴ In order to present the complete concept, alternatives for dietary restrictions are not provided, please notify us should you have any religious concerns or severe allergy upon reservation, or inform us latest by 72hrs before your booking.
[Opening Hours]
Dinner 18:00 - 22:30 (Latest seating 19:30).
Closed on: Monday & Tuesday.
Holiday or special event closures will be announced on Embers website.
・We only accept reservations within 40 days prior to your desired date.
・For parties of 4 and above, or any special events, please contact us via email or phone (13:00-18:00).
・A deposit of NT$1500/per person will be tied with a valid credit card hold, reservation is only valid once the credit card detail is provided.
・A cake can be prepared with an advanced request made 3 days prior to the booking. NT$350/Pcs.
・We welcome children above the age of 12.
・Reservations will be held for 10 minutes. Please inform us at your earliest convenience should you wish to change your time of arrival.
・This website is the only official booking channel for Embers, all other unauthorized private booking channels (Facebook/Instagram) will not be approved.
[Changes and Cancellation]
・We purchase and prepare our ingredients based on reservations and to prevent any food wastage, we would appreciate that you inform us 7 days in advance if there are any changes or cancellations.
・There will be a cancellation charge of NT$1500/per person if cancel within 7 days or arrive late over 15 minutes.
・Embers reserves the right to modify or cancel these reservations.
・For parties of six and above, kindly note that there will be a cancellation charge of NT$1500/per person if cancellation is made within 10 days or arrive late over 15 minutes.
・Phone line is not available on Monday & Tuesday, please do not hesitate to contact us via email.
[Please note]
・MENU content and price may changed irregularly according to seasonal ingredients.
・Last order: Dinner 19:30. In order to provide the best dining experience, the menu is designed to be completed within a 3hr comfortable time frame. We sincerely suggest you to arrive on time.
・Dress Code: Smart casual.
・Outside food & beverage is not allowed.
・Cakage Charge: NT$100 per person.
・Corkage Charge: Wine NT$1000 per bottle (750ml) / Spirits NT$1500 per bottle (750ml).
・No pets allowed, service dogs are welcomed, please inform us in advance.
・For food safety concerns, no takeaway will be provided.
・To enhance the best dining experience for our guests, flash photography and video recording are not allowed in the restaurant.
・We reserve the right to cancel or change your booking due to unforeseen circumstances, extreme weather conditions or accidents.
Thank you for your understanding.
Top review
Dined on 3 Aug 2024
About the restaurant
La Brasserie at The Landis Taipei is a French restaurant with the perfect setting for brisk business or leisure dining. Brightly polished brass railings, Burgundy red seats and cast iron decorations have been maintained to provide warm and enthusiastic atmosphere. Diners get to enjoy French provincial specialties during lunch and dinner hours. Afternoon tea offers international varieties, light snacks & seasonal theme sets. A healthy and sumptuous breakfast buffet is open daily for hotel guests. La Brasserie is also an ideal spot for cocktails or an array of mixed drinks with friends, acquaintances and business colleagues.
◎《2024 Wine Spectator》Best of Award of Excellence. An affirmation that it is the best choice Taipei restaurant for having an ultimate dining and wine feasting in Taipei.
*** Dining benefits are exclusive for Landis Club members - join our program to enjoy such privileges.
*** For any dietary requirements, please indicate in NOTE box - our Team will contact you for assistance.
*** Certain dishes from our à la carte require preorder - refer to our menu to understand specific number of days for preparation. Please contact restaurant or specify in NOTE box about reserving menu items.
*** Menu availability is based on dining periods. Lunch & Dinner offers traditional French cuisine. Afternoon Tea offers international varieties, light snacks and seasonal theme sets.
Top review
OpenTable Diner
Dined on 6 Oct 2024
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